Frisians and their North Sea Neighbours: From the Fifth Century to the Viking Age
by John Hines, Nelleke IJssennagger-van der Pluijm, Arjen Versloot, Christiane Zimmermann, Egge Knol, Elzbieta Adamczyk, Gaby Waxenberger, Han Nijdam, Hauke Jöns, Iris Aufderhaar, Jan de Koning, Johan Nicolay, Menno Dijkstra, Peter Schrijver, Pieterjan Deckers, Dr Timothy Pestell
Frisians and their North Sea Neighbours: From the Fifth Century to the Viking Age
by John Hines, Nelleke IJssennagger-van der Pluijm, Arjen Versloot, Christiane Zimmermann, Egge Knol, Elzbieta Adamczyk, Gaby Waxenberger, Han Nijdam, Hauke Jöns, Iris Aufderhaar, Jan de Koning, Johan Nicolay, Menno Dijkstra, Peter Schrijver, Pieterjan Deckers, Dr Timothy Pestell
ISBN 13: 9781837651306
Format: Paperback
(300 pages)
Publisher: Boydell Press
Published: 07 Nov 2023
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